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Tensei Shitara Dorei No Chichi Ni Nattakedo, Kazoku Toshite Mederu Koto Ni Shita 〜 Jitsu Wa Yuusha To Maou To Seijo Datta Kodomotachi No Chikara Ga Tondemo Skill De Tsukaeta Node Saikyou Desu 〜 Average 5 / 5 out of 62
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転移したら奴隷の父になったけど、家族として愛でることにした〜実は勇者と魔王と聖女だった子供たちの力がとんでもスキルで使えたので最強です〜 • I Was Transported and Became a Slave’s Father, but Decided to Cherish Them as Family ~ Turns Out My Children Are the Hero, the Demon King, and the Saint, and Their Powers Make Us Unstoppable ~